
IOM Kazakhstan and its partner NGOs organized coordination meetings involving local authorities to discuss migration issues

Between  4 July - 1 August, 2014, legal counselling points for migrant workers in ten regions of Kazakhstan, jointly with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), organized a series of coordination meetings within the framework of the Regional Migration Programme (RMP).

The main goal of the Programme is to protect the rights and improve the socio-economic situation of migrant workers and their families.

Two hundred participants took a part in the coordination meetings, where representatives of local authorities, national cultural centers and diaspora, non-governmental organizations and mass media discussed issues on obtaining work permits for individuals; taxation of migrant workers; migrant children's rights to education in Kazakhstan; access to medical services, medical treatment and voluntary health insurance for migrants and members of their families. The recommendations made by the participants were presented to the state bodies of Kazakhstan.

In the framework of Regional Migration Programme, from January 2012, legal counselling  points have been functioning in ten regions of the country. From January to June 2014, the lawyers have provided free legal counselling and assistance to 4831 migrants, held 127 mobile consultations and delivered 13339 informative actions on migration issues.

Regional Migration Programme is implemented jointly with the International Organization for Migration, UN Women and the World Bank Group, together with the financial support of the Government of the United Kingdom.