Being a member of the IOM team requires the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. As an international organization with a global mandate, IOM also aims to maintain an equitable geographical balance among its staff. As such, its recruitment efforts target, but are not necessarily limited to, nationals of its Member States. IOM is an equal opportunity employer and seeks committed professionals with a wide variety of skills in the field of migration. IOM staff work in multicultural environments, in which diversity and cultural sensitivity are valued.

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List of vacancies

National Consultant to provide legal assistance to migrants on business development   Consultancy Kazakhstan, home-based 15.01.2025
Enumerator (data collection purpose) for conducting surveys with potential migrants   Consultancy Kazakhstan, home-based 31.12.2024
Enumerator (data collection purpose) for conducting surveys with migrants   Consultancy Kazakhstan, home-based 31.12.2024
Enumerator (data collection purpose) for conducting Baseline Mobility Assessments   Consultancy Kazakhstan, home-based 31.12.2024

A foresight consultant / Консультант по перспективному анализу

  Consultancy Kazakhstan, home-based 16.01.2025
Сonsultant to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the existing governmental procedures and mechanisms in place serving to battle scam mechanisms associated with irregular recruitment scheme / консультант по картированию существующих государственных процедур и механизмов, направленных на борьбу с мошенническими схемами, связанными с нелегальным наймом   Consultancy Kazakhstan, home-based 16.01.2025

A consultant to deliver sessions on online scam and cybercrime mechanisms / Консультант для проведения сессий по схемам интернет-мошенничества и киберпреступности)

  Consultancy Kazakhstan, home-based


Global Recruitment Opportunities

IOM is an equal opportunity employer and seeks committed professionals with a wide variety of skills in the field of migration. IOM staff work in multi-cultural environments, in which diversity and cultural sensitivity are valued.