
Head of IOM Almaty and Deputy Sub Regional Coordinator for Central Asia, Mrs. Hadjiemmanuel Tatiana represented IOM at the International Model United Nations – New Silk Way Conference held in Almaty on April, 28, 2017

On April the 28th, Mrs. Tatiana Hadjiemmanuel was invited to the opening of the International Model United Nations – New Silk Way Conference held in Almaty. The conference was dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan accession to the United Nations. As head of IOM Almaty and Deputy Sub Regional Coordinator for Central Asia, Mrs. Hadjiemmanuel represented IOM and discussed with Model UN delegates and students on global migration trends and challenges as well as migration developments in Central Asia.

Mrs. Hadjiemmanuel presented IOM and its activities in Central Asia and specifically insisted on the necessity of raising awareness on migration issues and migrants’ rights in the region. In this way, Mrs. Hadjiemmanuel drew the audience’s attention on IOM CA Photostory Project: Migration an Invisible Force in Central Asia (www.photostory.iom.k)