Most Central Asian countries are susceptible both to natural and man-made disasters. Environmental issues are prevalent in the region, and political instability is a long-standing challenge in the region. In this context, IOM has conducted a variety of emergency, post-conflict and disaster risk reduction programmes in the region.

  • To support stabilization by developing and implementing measures to improve social cohesion between different ethnic groups, including information counseling and referral services.
  • To improve socio-economic opportunities for populations who are vulnerable to conflict including stateless people, minority ethnic groups and youth.
  • To encourage disaster risk reduction activities which will minimize environmental risk and associated emergency migration.
  • To improve national capacities to prevent, mitigate and respond to natural or man-made emergencies.
  • To be fully involved in preparedness activities and in the humanitarian cluster system and to actively work with other organizations to provide assistance to migrants and refugees in case of a humanitarian emergency